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Temporary Management
Turnarounds and Transformations can find companies not properly equipped with the necessary managerial expertise and the adequate hands-on experience. At the same time, the duration of these changes and the internal power required are not suitable for a typical external consulting support, but requires the take on of the role for a pre-defined period of time.
To support our clients in complex and very challenging situations, we have the seniority and experience to act as project/unit leader in a temporary management perspective. We provide the same flexibility, motivation and structured approach from "the inside", taking advantage from a major level of interaction with the organization, higher power in the decision taking process and people coordination.
When acting as temporary managers, we ensure:
Role/Unit/Function coverage (processes and responsibilities)
Full time commitment for the length of the assignment
Internal people management
Coherence between strategy and implementation
Adherence of IT/Innovation enhancements to the real business requirements
Proven operational experience
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