Performance Management in the Luxury & Fashion industry:
from strategy to execution
Competition from established and emerging brands. Globalization. Shortened product lifecycles. Digitalization. Omni-channel strategies. All these trends play a key role in increasing complexity across every business function in the Luxury & Fashion industry.
To address these challenges, companies need to rethink how they work and take an integrated operating approach across core and supporting business units.
Mastering Performance Management is a key success factor. Companies who want to play a leading role in the future will need to embrace more agile, integrated and efficient processes in order to capitalize on business trends and support decision-making.
At this event you will hear :
Which trends are affecting performance management processes, particularly within Planning and Controlling functions, as well as Operations & Supply Chain domains.
How FENDI has identified the need for transformation and has been implementing a program to enable new capabilities within Performance Management.
Major trends in the Corporate Performance Management IT solutions landscape and how an innovative newcomer is re-shaping the IT industry’s map.
Executives of Luxury and Fashion industries
Paolo Masotti | Introduction
Practice leader Management consulting - Adacta Advisory
Nicola Dainoli | Corporate Performance Management approach and modeling evolutions
Management Consulting - Adacta Advisory
Roberta Crespi | Trends of the industry
“EMLUX” Master Director - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Ivar Quarante | Fendi case history
Group Controller - Fendi
Edward Hickling | Corporate Performance Management: technology trends and evolutions of IT solutions
EMEA Alliance Vice President - Anaplan
Soft drink
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